“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.”
Today is May 4. It has become famous for being ‘Star Wars Day’, but it is a more significant anniversary. In fact, this year it is a centenary!
On May 4 in 1919, university students in Beijing protested the outcome of the Versailles Treaty for China. In WWI, China had joined the allied powers to fight against Germany. China hoped to recover the Shandong peninsula, which was under German administration. Instead, the Versailles Treaty gave Shandong to Japan. The students saw this as a humiliating capitulation by China. Thousands marched in protest.
May 4 was a turning point for China. The youth and intellectuals rejected feudal traditions and traditional thinking. They agitated and mobilised for a revived China, a new era. May 4 stoked an age of ambition and patriotism, and the determination that China must never again be humiliated on the world stage.
This article is from 2015, but it gives a good overview of how the May 4 movement began, and how it shaped the China of today. Well worth the read! – LHL
treaty of versailles germany 在 Dse歷史科資源網站 - K.W.HO_History Facebook 的最佳貼文
慕尼黑會議呢個例子各位同學係作答WW2呢個課題時候經常會用到,大家唔可以唔識啊。以下就俾少少呢個例子嘅示範同學參考下啦 :-)
1⃣ 題目示範:經濟大蕭條的影響對於第二次世界大戰爆發有多大重要性?
2⃣ 題目示範:追溯並解釋1900-1939 年間德國及意大利兩國關係的發展。
3⃣ 題目示範:評估列強於1900-39年間為維持和平努力嘗試的成效。
🚩 歷史.今天 History.Today
1938年9月29日 29 September 1938
慕尼黑協定 Munich Agreement
When Nazi Hitler rose to power in 1933, he was determined for the violation of the Treaty of Versailles, expansion of territories, and restoration of Germany as a power. In 1938, Hitler annexed Austria at ease, so he soon targeted at Sudetenland. Since Czechoslovakia set up 35 divisions in Sudetenland, together with the agreement signed between Czechoslovakia, France and the USSR, it was not wise for Hitler to take over the territories by means of violence. Yet, as there were over 3 million Germans living in Sudetenland, Hitler made use of this pretext to carry out his invasion.
On September, 1938, Hitler delivered a speech cristicising that Czechoslovakia tortured Germans who lived in its territory. He also cited the principle of national self-determination, demanding the combination with Sudetenland. Lastly, he claimed that he would exhaust all means, including wars, to reach his goal.
British Prime Minister Chamberlain and French Prime Minister Daladier held a conference in Munich (Germany) on September 28, 1939 with the participation of Britain, France, Germany and Italy in order to solve this crisis. Eventually, the four countries signed the Munich Agreement at 1 a.m. on September 30, but the date of it was actually on September 29, 1938. They reached a consensus that Sudetenland had to cede to Germany.
Munich agreement was an example of appeasement policy adopted by Britain and France. British Prime Minister Chamberlain thought that this conference was a victory of appeasement policy. However, sarcastically, the cession of Sudetenland to Germany under the Munich Conference weakened the defense of Czechoslovakia. Besides, Poland and Hungary plundered some of the territories of Czechoslovakia, further undermining the defense of it. At last, Germany invaded the whole Czechoslovakia on March, 1939.
* 圖片內由左至右分別是墨索里尼(意大利)、希特拉(德國)、德國翻譯員及張伯倫(英國)。
* The picture shows Mussolini (Italy), Hitler (Germany), German translator, Chamberlain (Britain) from left to right.
Provided by: K.W. Ho
Translated by: Edward Lee
圖片來源(Photo from):http://ww2db.com/image.php?image_id=8332
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treaty of versailles germany 在 Dse歷史科資源網站 - K.W.HO_History Facebook 的精選貼文
你好啊,我想請問有關於SBA的問題,我既題目係:Was the Treaty of Versailles fair to Germany? 我想問需不需要比Standpoint?如何定義一條Treaty的fairness?此外,應從邊幾方面來探討Treaty of Versailles的公平性?最後,整份報告的結構分佈應該如何? Thanks.
容許我係答你條問題之前作小小翻譯,你條 SBA 嘅題目係「《凡爾賽條約》對於德國黎講係唔係公平呢?」,我諗大約係咁上下啦。
我覺得呀,首先《凡爾賽條約》係因為第一次世界大戰而黎,咁首先要考慮返一戰爆發同邊個國家有關係先?然後,再細諗返,邊個搞到要打仗?依堆係類近遠因,而比較具體 d 嘅,去思考下制定《凡爾賽條約》嘅巴黎和會咩國家有得參加?咩國家發言權最大?內容上嘅安排?係咪針對要求賠償戰爭失去左嘅野(最明顯係錢)?
1. 我覺得你可以先簡介下咩係《凡爾賽條約》,同埋簽《凡爾賽條約》嘅背景,原因?
2. 可以搵下有冇其他歷史學家嘅看法,無論係認為「公平」定「唔公平」都好,有他人觀點係非常重要。
3. 可以由唔同角度去探討依條條約係咪「公平」。條約嘅內容上,經濟?戰爭罪責?條約嘅制定,咩國家可以參與?德國可唔可以?我覺得最好就「公平」同唔「公平」都有相關嘅論述就最好啦。
4. 既然有人認為「公平」,又有人認為「唔公平」,咁點解你仲揀自己個立場?我建議你用一定嘅篇幅去解釋下選擇該立場嘅原因。
5. 總結。
其實「歷史議題探究」類嘅 SBA 題目需要同學多睇唔同嘅書,去睇下有冇新嘅觀點同論據。所以同學有時間可以多去圖書館搵相關嘅資料,以加強其說服力。同時間啦,雖然唔同題目,但都建議同學多上考評局個網參考下高分嘅架構係點,咁樣對同學做起上黎都有個方向。
Ps,切記 SBA 係重要嘅部分,同學宜多問校內老師嘅意見,自己份報告有咩不足之處。始終,比分嘅,係佢地。
此問題由助理導師Chester Leung解答。
Chester Leung為K.W.HO的得意門生之一,於2014年新高中歷史科中取得5**的成績,並入讀中大歷史系。
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treaty of versailles germany 在 Treaty of Versailles - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Treaty ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919 in the Palace of Versailles, exactly five ... ... <看更多>
treaty of versailles germany 在 How the Treaty of Versailles and German Guilt Led to World ... 的相關結果
2018年6月29日 — The treaty was lengthy, and ultimately did not satisfy any nation. The Versailles Treaty forced Germany to give up territory to Belgium, ... ... <看更多>
treaty of versailles germany 在 Treaty of Versailles | Definition, Summary, Terms, & Facts 的相關結果
The population and territory of Germany was reduced by about 10 percent by the treaty. In the west, Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France, and the ... ... <看更多>